Our Ice Skating School is for everyone that wants to learn the basics of Skating.
Ice hockey players, figure skaters and hobby skaters all need to be able to skate well.
The ones that want to continue with Figure Skating can continue on to our Figure Skating School when ready.
In our Ice Skating School your child can start the term they turn 4 years old.
The kids need to be able to stand on their own on the ice and be able to pick themselves up if they fall down. Our excellent coaches will take care of the rest.
For kids that turn 3 years old during the term we have an Ice Play group. In the Ice Play group each child can skate together with a parent or other adult they know well and our coaches will help you both. These lessons are a little bit shorter to suit the younger children better. We also have groups for people with disabilities, youths and adults.
Our groups are divided by skaters skill – beginners/advanced - and age.
This means that the skaters always skate together with kids at their own age and level.
Equipment, even for the adult on the ice
- Helmet, with the kids name on it so the coach can see it
- Gloves/mittens, not only for the cold, but also to protect the fingers from the rail
- Warm clothes that the kids can move in, winter overalls are a little bit too clumsy
- Clean clothes, so the ice doesn’t get dirty, the skates get destroyed or the kids fall unnecessarily
- Stable skates
SIGN UP TO SKATING SCHOOL (It is a two-step process, so you need to verify your email address before the registration is complete)
Any questions? Please contact us via skridskoskola@karlskronaask.se